SIGEP 2020, rimini, italy

The Chicago and New York offices of the Italian Trade Agency (ITA)  once again organized a complimentary trip for US delegates to visit SIGEP 2020 trade show in Rimini, Italy during January 18-23, 2020.  Over a 5-day period, US delegates were able to experience an extraordinary showcase of the best and latest in the global market for Artisan Gelato, Pastry, Chocolate, Bakery and Coffee, from raw materials and ingredients to plants and equipment, furnishings, and services as well as take part in pre-scheduled 10 (ten) B2B meetings with leading Italian companies. This program was formed in partnership with the IEG Group-the show organizers. 

SIGEP is the only trade show in the world featuring an entire supply chain of artisan gelato, bakery, pastry, coffee, chocolate and other food preparation equipment. Five thematic routes, one for each business sector, interconnecting and integrating in a single, unifying vision of excellence. The event will also showcase the latest in furnishings, display cases and decorations, with over 1,250 exhibitors.  At the previous 2019 edition, there were over 200,000 visitors and 1,200 exhibitors in over 1.3 million sq. ft.

This year the AB TECH EXPO, all things for the bakery and pastry sector, co-located with show and presented the opportunity to meet with leading Italian bakery equipment suppliers, as well as those in the ice cream, bakery/pastry and coffee sectors.

With more than 1,300 events over 5 days, including, competitions, workshops and training sessions, SIGEP continues to represent and reward world-class excellence by introducing new formats, enhancing global networking and supporting businesses and professionals as they grow and expand. Click here to view or download the SIGEP 2020 catalogue.