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 Galdabini , Luigi

Title: General Commissioner at EMO MILANO 2021

Born in 1958, Galdabini graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering at Politecnico di Milano. Since January 1990, Luigi Galdabini has been CEO of Cesare Galdabini Spa, a leading company in the production of metal forming and material testing machine tools, based in Cardano al Campo (Varese).

President of UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE, the Italian Machine Tool, Robots and Automation Manufacturers’ Association, for the 2012-2013 and 2014-2015 mandates, he is still a Board member and Past President of the association. He is also Vice President of Univa, the association of industrialists in the province of Varese.

Galdabini is member of the Italian delegation of CECIMO, the European Association of Machine Tool Industries and related Manufacturing Technologies, of which he was President in the two-year period 2015-2017. He also worked at Andersen Consulting (today Accenture) as manager.